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대기업계열IT전문회사 Solution Specialist

· 포지션
회사소개  대기업계열IT전문회사 
직급/직책  과장/차장
-Understand and analyze the customer requirements. Provide technical consultation.
-Provide support to project implementation team on technical architecture and solution development
-Manage solution licensing policy
-Performance management for implementation and operation of the platform
근무지  서울
처우조건  협의
· 자격요건
학력  Bachelor or higher level degree in Computer Science and Engineering
-10+ year hands on Experience of ICT implementation projects
-Working knowledge of computer architecture, network communication, ubiquitous computing and software engineering
-Well aware of various solution design and development process, software architecture, application development and interface
-Experience of Software development and System Integration projects (analysis / design / implementation, modeling, architecting)
-Experience in software application development, software plan and design
마감일 마감
전형절차 서류전형/면접
제출서류 국문이력서(구체적인 경력기술 포함)/영문이력서
접수방법 온라인입사지원
컨설턴트 강연희
연락처 02-6901-3311
이메일 katherine@nemopartners.com
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